
Executive Teams looking for a way to create a superior performing company need to properly evaluate their strategic positioning.

Tech CEOs Struggle with

Undervaluing Strategy

Senior teams have a strong focus on operational consideration that they fail to think strategically.


The corporation is overwhelmed by the competition and continue to lose deals.

Wasted Resources

CEOs spend too many resources fighting to be the best rather than carving a place where you can win.

Common Approach

Start ups and small companies start with a product idea to capture an opportunity. They use common, one-size fits all process combined with the hope “if we build it they will come” attitude. They copy and emulate others in the hope there is a single recipe for success.

The Result

Unfortunately, this rarely leads to success and when it does, success if fleeting as it is based on doing exactly what your competitors are doing. Your only hope is to be better at executing than they are. The focus in on turning up the operational crank in the hope of winning a few deals and creating a market position.

This is not the recipe that works

The Problem

Without a strategic plan in place to help them understand what capabilities they need to create that is different from their competitors, the companies are on a path to lower margins, high costs.

New Viewpoint

Strategy is how you, faced with competition will a achieve superior performance. 

  • There are many customer needs to serve, and many ways to win those customers
  • Define what needs you will meet and how you will do it differently and in an interesting manner.
  • Strategy is about creating unique value in unique ways.

If you are not able to achieve a cost or pricing advantage, you may not have a strategy.

Tailor Your Activities

Identify the key capabilities you need to build to deliver customer value in a new way.  Over invest in these areas so competitors cannot match.

Integrated Activities

Integrate your activities in to a true value creating chain, where one capability builds on the other. All with a focus to create customer value.

Ecosystem Perspective

Companies do not create value in a vacuum. An ecosystem of companies help you create new customer value. Understand how to tie the ecosystem into your value proposition.

What needs to be True

For strategy to be successful, it is not only important what is true, but what needs to be true and how you go about creating that.  Identify the multiple paths to that goal and build unique capabilities.